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1 -ON- 1 Personal Liberation Journey

1v1 Personal Liberation Journey

The journey to understand who we are and how we fit into the organism of life is a lifelong adventure. It goes through intense ebbs and flows and can be a challenge to navigate on your own.  

It’s not enough to really figure out WHO we are; we want to belong to a community. We want to be of service and collaborate and find happiness and success- in whatever form that takes. And we want to be of VALUE to whomever or whatever is before us.  

With this in mind, I decided to offer a more accelerated path to this purposeful life of service and collaboration to those who are interested in getting way deeper than what the open course and book can offer. I want to take on 3 people every month to more tactfully and manually get to the heart of who we are so that we can get a jump on being of service to a community and world begging for the unique gifts and talents only YOU can provide.

What’s better, is that 1 person from each 4-week cycle will be awarded $350 to put toward their dream job, service, or project.

So if this is something you’re interested in exploring, schedule a quick call with me to learn more or simply sign up for the month-long adventure and get yourself really moving!

1v1 Personal Liberation Journey

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1 -ON- 1 Personal Liberation Journey

The journey to understand who we are and how we fit into the organism of life is a lifelong adventure. It goes through intense ebbs and flows and can be a challenge to navigate on your own.  

It’s not enough to really figure out WHO we are; we want to belong to a community. We want to be of service and collaborate and find happiness and success- in whatever form that takes. And we want to be of VALUE to whomever or whatever is before us.  

With this in mind, I decided to offer a more accelerated path to this purposeful life of service and collaboration to those who are interested in getting way deeper than what the open course and book can offer. I want to take on 3 people every month to more tactfully and manually get to the heart of who we are so that we can get a jump on being of service to a community and world begging for the unique gifts and talents only YOU can provide.

What’s better, is that 1 person from each 4-week cycle will be awarded $350 to put toward their dream job, service, or project.

So if this is something you’re interested in exploring, schedule a quick call with me to learn more or simply sign up for the month-long adventure and get yourself really moving!

1v1 Liberation Journey Schedule

  • WEEK  1
  • WEEK 2
  • WEEK 3
  • WEEK 4

Housecleaning and Knowing Your Playground

Go over the pre-work questionnaire 

Deep dive into desired presence practice

Inner System Reboot (breath)


Read the first 2 chapters of Grateful is The Great Fool book

From Head to Heart, and Embracing Your Shadow

 What's the Weakness flip
Shadow Response Style
 Create the Judgment mirror
Read chapters 3 and 4

Living purposefully to uncover your gifts and using them to co-create with others

What is the unique DNA of your creative FLAVOR?
Redefining the value/leadership matrix
Circle of Harmony

Discover the Elemental Matrix 
Read chapters 5 and 6

Self Assess your Elemental Matrix 

Bring in three creative ideas that you could see becoming a business

Review & Application

Go over the Elemental Matrix findings

Go over potential creative business ideas

Review and polish all learnings
Discuss working together further if desired


In living this richly ventured life, I’ve developed unique tools that have allowed me to:

A. Intimately understand the playground of personal expansion that we’re all running around.

B. Explore the wholeness of my being (the darkest caves and the highest mountains) so that I can effectively uncover my unique skills and value.

C. Precisely assess my role and contribution in every relationship with others, in order to best identify our ability to co-create.

D. Pinpoint and utilize my unique creative genius to be of irreplaceable value to any

project, partnership, or community I decide to join.

E. Finally, maintain a love for humanity that makes the life of soul growth I've chosen be an everlasting ADVENTURE that never bores me.


In living this richly ventured life, I’ve developed unique tools that have allowed me to:

A.   Intimately understand the playground of personal expansion that we’re all running around.

B.   Explore the wholeness of my being (the darkest caves and the highest mountains) so that I can effectively uncover my unique skills and value.

C.   Precisely assess my role and contribution in every relationship with others, in order to best identify our ability to co-create.

D.   Pinpoint and utilize my unique creative genius to be of irreplaceable value to any

project, partnership, or community I decide to join.

E.   Finally, maintain a love for humanity that makes the life of soul growth I've chosen be an everlasting ADVENTURE that never bores me.


What I want is to create the world I have always dreamed of -  WITH YOU. Let's architect the global community of balance and generation for the benefit of the self and the whole. This course will be portal into that journey of individualism and collaboration.  This will not be about “manifestation” or chanting your way to success and fulfillment. I have no interest lighting sage and putting on a happy face and saying “it will come if you just imagine it”. 

This course is full of videos  to empower you to be a master of self, an incredible dance partner, and an architect of co-creation with anyone who also knows that the future of business, financial success and fulfillment is, through connection and relationship. (Spoiler alert- it’ll be everyone). Through unique philosophies and thought provoking prompts, this course will teach you to be the leader you always knew you were, and to trust in the power of your soul as you create the life of your dreams with everyone around you. 


What I want is to create the world I have always dreamed of -  WITH YOU. Let's architect the global community of balance and generation for the benefit of the self and the whole. This course will be portal into that journey of individualism and collaboration.  This will not be about “manifestation” or chanting your way to success and fulfillment. I have no interest lighting sage and putting on a happy face and saying “it will come if you just imagine it”. 

This course is full of videos  to empower you to be a master of self, an incredible dance partner, and an architect of co-creation with anyone who also knows that the future of business, financial success and fulfillment is, through connection and relationship. (Spoiler alert- it’ll be everyone). Through unique philosophies and thought provoking prompts, this course will teach you to be the leader you always knew you were, and to trust in the power of your soul as you create the life of your dreams with everyone around you. 

So, if you're ready to...

1. …Help create a global community of consciously empowered creators that we can use to team up with in any industry on the planet.

2. …learn just how special your hero’s journey is and just how much of a jewel your individuality is to the success of your future.

3. …learn how to confidently assess your place in every potential dynamic and curate the relationships and community of your dreams.

4. …uncover the tools for you to access deep presence in everything you do so that you can create abundantly and receive inspiration seamlessly.

5. …learn the blueprint of your creative genius so that you can understand HOW you do everything in your life, making you an invaluable creator, artist, founder, partner, and friend.

6. …learn how to reboot your central nervous system and feel at peace about any situation within 10 seconds.

7. …learn how to shift your deepest self insecurities and perceived “weaknesses” into your greatest strengths and tools for growth.

8. …learn how to easily transform every perception you have of anyone around you into a portal of self growth and integration...

Then sign up today and let's get cooking!

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1 -ON- 1 Personal Liberation Journey
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1 -ON- 1 Personal Liberation Journey

So, if you're ready to...

1. …Help create a global community of consciously empowered creators that we can use to team up with in any industry on the planet.

2. …learn just how special your hero’s journey is and just how much of a jewel your individuality is to the success of your future.

3. …learn how to confidently assess your place in every potential dynamic and curate the relationships and community of your dreams.

4. …uncover the tools for you to access deep presence in everything you do so that you can create abundantly and receive inspiration seamlessly.

5. …learn the blueprint of your creative genius so that you can understand HOW you do everything in your life, making you an invaluable creator, artist, founder, partner, and friend.

6. …learn how to reboot your central nervous system and feel at peace about any situation within 10 seconds.

7. …learn how to shift your deepest self insecurities and perceived “weaknesses” into your greatest strengths and tools for growth.

8. …learn how to easily transform every perception you have of anyone around you into a portal of self growth and integration...

Then sign up today and let's get cooking!