The natural world and its abundant wildlife is something I've always been totally infatuated with. I often joke that I wish i were born a few hundred years earlier so i could sail to new lands and see things for the first time. But since I can't do that, the next best thing is helping protect the culture and wildlife we have discovered. that's why I've decided to partner up with two organizations that I know do an incredible job protecting wildlife and land, while educating us on the importance of natural world sustainability.  Below is more information on what the organizations are.  When you buy a brooch, you're helping to save this planet.  And I thank you!


The natural world and its abundant wildlife is something I've always been totally infatuated with. I often joke that I wish i were born a few hundred years earlier so i could sail to new lands and see things for the first time. But since I can't do that, the next best thing is helping protect the culture and wildlife we have discovered. that's why I've decided to partner up with two organizations that I know do an incredible job protecting wildlife and land, while educating us on the importance of natural world sustainability.  Below is more information on what the organizations are.  When you buy a brooch, you're helping to save this planet.  And I thank you!


In September of 2022, I had the privilege of spending almost an entire month in Brazil, and a good portion of that in deep rural Acre, an amazonian area of Brazil that is home to the Ashaninka people. It’s an in credibly special place and often considered to be a mythical among Brazilians. I saw first hand the destruction done to the amazon rainforest and how important the culture of indigenous ways are. It's something that cannot be lost. So, 2.5% of profits from all brooch and scarf sales will go directly to the Aniwa organization, which seeks to protect indigenous cultures of the Brazilian amazon. For more information about ANIWA please click the link below.


I’ve always had a deep affinity for wolves, but it is a species that is slowly dying off. This would be a tragic loss for the wild animal kingdom and MANY cultures that find deep strength in the spirit of the wolf. So I’d love to contribute 2.5% of profits from all brooch and scarf sales to the Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary, which aims to protect the vast array of wildlife found in one of the most beautiful regions of the US, particularly its wolves. For more information about the Yellowstone conservatory efforts please click the link below.


I’ve always had a deep affinity for wolves, but it is a species that is slowly dying off. This would be a tragic loss for MANY cultures that find deep strength in the spirit of the wolf. So I’d love to contribute 5% of profits from all brooch and scarf sales to the Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary.  Donations to Yellowstone Forever fund various research and preservation projects, including the Yellowstone Wolf Project, Bison Conservation, Yellowstone Cougar Project, Bear-Proof Storage Boxes, and Native Fish Restoration.  For more information about the Yellowstone conservatory efforts please click the link below.